Facilitate the production and trading of agricultural products, food safety

: Friday - 28/10/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1260
Hanoi currently has about 10 million people are living and working, studying, tourism. To ensure food and food for the people of the capital, annually 890 thousand tons of rice; 139 thousand tons of cattle meat; 42 thousand tons of poultry meat; 900 million eggs.

To ensure food and food for the people of the capital, annually 890 thousand tons of rice; 139 thousand tons of cattle meat; 42 thousand tons of poultry meat; 900 million eggs of all kinds; 54 thousand tons of fresh and processed seafood; 900 thousand tons of vegetables, over 400 thousand tons of fresh fruit ...

Officers of Veterinary Department of Hanoi control poultry slaughter at Lan Vinh Company (Gia Lam district)

At the same time, Hanoi's on-the-spot production capacity ensures about 69% of cattle and poultry meat; 32% of seafood; 38% of plain quality rice; 60% of vegetables, roots; 18% fresh fruit of all kinds. The rest must be imported from other provinces and cities and imported from abroad.
To provide the amount of agricultural products, food on the city has 1,637 farms. Of which 147 general farms, 1,346 breeding farms, 132 aquaculture farms, 11 farm farms ...
About cooperatives producing and trading agricultural products, the whole city has 1,088 cooperatives, including 1,027 agricultural service cooperatives, 23 cooperatives; 09 fisheries cooperatives; 29 cooperatives (vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants, fruit trees ...). The average revenue is over 990 million VND / co-operative, attracting about 1.1 million members.
With businesses producing agricultural products and foodstuffs, Hanoi has over 154,000 enterprises, the second largest country in terms of number of enterprises. Of which there are about 1,150 businesses doing business in the agricultural sector.
The major agricultural and foodstuff enterprises are small and medium enterprises with low business capital (80%).
About the distribution network of agricultural products, Hanoi has 425 markets, including 15 first class markets, 66 second class markets, 310 third markets and 34 unrated markets. There are also 24 trade centers, 136 supermarkets and more than 1,000 agro-foodstores.
Forms of supplying agricultural products to consumers are diversified and diversified such as wholesale markets, people's markets; Supermarkets, shopping centers, convenience stores; Directly supplied to collective kitchens; Online selling; Mobile sales ...
The market of agricultural products and foodstuffs of Hanoi production is only meet more than 50% of demand. The issue of food hygiene and safety is being paid attention by all levels and branches from central to local levels. Over time, the central government and the city have issued a number of policies to support production and consumption. Trade promotion of agriculture has gained positive results.
However, besides face, the co-operative, manufacturing and trading agricultural products and foodstuffs in Hanoi also have encountered many difficulties and challenges. In order to create conditions for cooperatives, enterprises and establishments to produce and trade in safe and safe agricultural products, Hanoi's agriculture sector has been concentrating on specific solutions.
On policy, advise the City People's Committee to develop mechanisms and policies to support the region to create links between localities to create products with knowledge content high competitiveness , Meet domestic consumption demand and international integration. To supplement preferential policies on land rent closely to actual production in agriculture; Have a policy on clean land fund for businesses to combine husbandry - cultivation, implementation of joint projects.
Developing favorable insurance policies for businesses and people to participate and rest assured in productive links. Simplify administrative procedures so that enterprises can easily access information on policies and market as well as support on production and trading of safe agricultural products.
To implement the program to support the transfer of science and technology, giving enterprises the opportunity to learn and access new technologies at home and abroad. Creating the most favorable and preferential conditions for domestic enterprises to transfer scientific and technological products in agriculture to farmers.
Strengthening linkage between enterprises dealing in agricultural products with agricultural research institutes and institutes and state management agencies in charge of agriculture. At the same time, to step up the inspection, supervision and strict handling of enterprises and individuals engaged in counterfeit goods, counterfeit goods, ensuring fairness for enterprises to earn serious and protect the interests of consumers.
In parallel with the inspection, supervision, good implementation of propaganda and branding for producers, traders and consumers to better understand safe agricultural products, supplies Clean farm produce, portrait in safe agricultural production. Propaganda widely and encourage farmers to effectively implement the program "Vietnamese use Vietnamese goods."
Promote the supply of information on production areas, specific products, consuming enterprises, potential markets for enterprises to connect effectively. Strengthen the link between businesses and manufacturers in and out of the city. Human resources training to help organize production, build chain link product consumption. For the consumer training knowledge of safe product identification, knowledge of food safety and hygiene, product traceability.

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