Food safety is national security

: Tuesday - 23/08/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1181
Recognizing sanctions on food hygiene and safety is not enough deterrence, President Tran Dai Quang said will propose to intensify criminal handling of violations in this area.

In the morning of August 2, Tran Dai Quang and other members of the National Assembly, voters in District 4 (HCMC) expressed their concern about food hygiene and safety. "The press speaks a lot, people comment a lot but put it there. Three-meal saw tons of rotten pork, vegetable poisoning makes people very restless, do not know what to eat or drink, "said Cao Ngoc Len.
Likewise, voter Le Duc Luong said that despite three food quality management ministries, there was information on dirty food every day. Every day poison still blatantly exists. Eat meat is afraid of lean substances, vegetables are afraid of drugs.
"People only know how to heaven, but not how. It is proposed that the National Assembly should take concrete measures, must be more rigorous to increase deterrence and need to clearly define specific responsibilities for each ministry and industry, to avoid extraneous current push, "he proposed. .

President Tran Dai Quang responds to District 4 voter petitions

Recalling the concerns of the people, President Tran Dai Quang said that the voter's reflections on unhealthy food status is absolutely relevant.
"It is really a matter of great concern, threatening the lives of our relatives and our daily lives. The issue of food safety and hygiene is social safety, affecting the people are settled, or not. This is one of the components of national security, so it can not be overlooked, "Quang said.
According to the State President, despite the past time, the state has taken many measures to pay attention to the food hygiene and safety, but the results are still modest, not meet the expectations of the people. He also saw the coordination in the management of food hygiene has overlapped, loopholes, responsibilities are not clear. Speaking at the management of the Ministry of Health, at the Ministry of Agriculture, at the Industrial and Commercial.
"There is a feast of which no one knows whose responsibility? It is because of food hygiene and safety still causing many urgent for the people so the National Assembly has decided to select this content to monitor the topic, "the President said.
"I found abroad, a restaurant that poisoned customers will be closed immediately to review later. If they have not reached the conclusion, they will also temporarily not work until the final result. Our law has many not enough deterrent, regulations causing serious consequences are still general. What is serious? Can human death be handled? At that time, what else to say? ", The President added.
The head of state said that the upcoming law would propose additional legislation in the direction of increasing criminal justice with violations in this area. "We do not criminalize, but we must, depending on the severity of the violation, have the means to deal with deterrence, prevention and promotion of government accountability. So that's how to deal with unscrupulous people, money laundering, social accountability still using banned substances in food processing, "he said.

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