Hanoi develops large scale beef production

: Thursday - 17/11/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1332
In the structure of agricultural production value of Hanoi, the livestock sector accounts for more than 50%. In particular, beef production is considered as an impressive point in the strategy of developing commodity breeding, with the application of science and technology to improve the quality of seed and step by step building specialized farming and service. Domestic market and export oriented.

Increase in quantity and quality
With the advantages of diverse natural conditions (hilly, mountainous, semi-mountainous, lowland and lowland areas) and large consumption markets, Hanoi has promulgated many policies in recent years. Breakthroughs encourage the development of animal husbandry, including dairy cows and cattle raising meat. In order to improve economic efficiency in beef production, the city focuses on two key areas: planning areas and communes with large-scale production outside the residential areas, and implementing quality improvement programs. It is the same with artificial insemination (AI) technology with imported breeds of high quality meat such as Brahman, BBB, Droughmaster, Angus ... According to Director of the Center for Livestock Development in Hanoi Ta Van Tuong, People in the application of science and technology, changes in breeding practices, along with the good selection of bulls, support the purebred male bulls, since 2009, the city has implemented the chapter Free AI program for breeding cows in some key communes, then expanded to the whole city. With the AI ​​method, more than 107,680 live weight calves have been introduced in the past five years, contributing to the increasing number of beef herds.
Only in June 2016, Hanoi's beef and bovine cows had nearly 126,000 heads, up 0.8% from the same period last year, with beef output at 5,034 tonnes (up 0.5% ); Of which more than 90% are Zebu (Brahman, Red Sindh, BBB, Angus ...); It is concentrated in three districts of Ba Vi, Soc Son and Chuong My, and the breeding rate by AI method is over 61.2%. As a result, the productivity and quality of beef herds have been increased, contributing to raising livestock efficiency, and people are assured of investment in production. According to the calculations of households, the income from the sale of beef is 4-6 million VND per head, from the sale of 2.5 - 3 million VND per cow compared to the local cow, sind hybrid. Thus, the annual income of cattle raising in the city increased from 80 to 120 billion per year.
Talking to us about the F1BBB crossbreed, Mr. Do Van Xuu, a big BBB farmer in Tong Bat commune (Ba Vi district) excitedly said that besides raising cattle, he also collected F1 calves After the baby's weaning BBB to "slip", so in the cages of the family also have 15 to 20 children. This breed is very voracious, easy to feed, can take advantage of elephant grass, straw, corn ... for food and only need about 4-5 months old to reach weight of 150-160kg, selling price from 16 to 18 VND million / child. From raising BBB, each year he collects interest from 200-300 million.
Livestock link - consumption
With the current production output, the livestock sector in Hanoi only meets about 10% of the demand for beef consumption by the people of the capital (about 100 thousand tons per year). The reason is that some localities have backward animal husbandry practices, small and uneducated livestock raising, aware of the benefits of improving the breed quality. In addition, due to the small size of beef cattle raising, the link between husbandry and stable consumption of beef products has not yet been established. It is also affected by the fierce competition of imported beef that tends to increase in international trade integration.

Therefore, to develop the beef industry in a sustainable manner, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Hanoi said that according to the plan to 2020, the city will develop herds of beef from 150 Thousand to 155 thousand, output of meat to produce about 8,000 tons, increase the number of beef cattle about 3% in the focus area. In order to increase the number of cows, in addition to increasing the rate of AI to 70% by 2017 and 80% by 2020, Hanoi will build specialized areas for beef production, including Ba Vi, Me Linh, Soc Son, My Duc and Chuong My; Specialized commercial beef production areas in Ba Vi, Gia Lam and Phuc Tho districts and the development of hi-tech breeding farms with a size of 100 or more.
In order to achieve the set objectives, along with the planning of the development of 19 key cattle-raising communes outside the residential areas, building the basis for commodity production development, the capital raising sector needs to be strengthened. Capacity for state management of livestock breeds; At the same time, to further improve the productivity and quality of cows through AI method by high quality imported high quality breeds; To intensify the study and forecast of market information in order to orient the production process towards the building of disease-free zones in animal husbandry areas; Constructing the chain: breeding - buying, slaughtering - distributing and building the beef brand of Hanoi.
In addition, it is necessary to build and develop a model of production linkage between farmers (through cooperative organizations, cooperative groups, etc.) with enterprises in the production and consumption of beef products. Beef breed Encouraging businesses to invest in beef production in the city, as a focal point for the consumption of cows, beef, grass and other feedstuffs for cattle raising. Treatment of the beef industry.

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