Invest 300 million VND to deal with defects in pig farms

: Tuesday - 13/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1280
With this money, a stubble press machine will help the farm to tackle the environmental problem - which is hard to deal with in pig farming industry.

Environmentally-friendly waste disposal in pigs is a daunting situation for livestock farmers. Historically, biogas technology has always been considered the best solution and has been adopted by most livestock farms. However, recently, a pig farmer in Dong Nai has put pressure separator into the test for 10,000 pigs.

As noted at pig farms in Dong Nai, this new technology has initially shown positive results. Xuan Bac 5 (Xuan Loc, Dong Nai) is a large farm, built and completed by a group of investors in 2014 with a scale of 10,000 in 10 enclosed enclosures. Right after finishing, the farm has been contracted by C.P Vietnam for over 15 years to raise pork and gilts.

The investment of about VND300 million to buy stool presses has helped the ranchers to solve the environmental problem, which is very difficult to solve in industrial pig breeding.

According to calculations, when raising enough capacity of 10,000 children, on average every day Xuan Bac 5 spent 11 tons of feed and 2 tons of excreta waste together with waste water. In order to handle the total amount of waste that the herd picks out every day, the investor builds a large biogas reactor with a capacity of 16,000 m3. The investment of biogas tunnel capacity to meet the scale of the camp today is too large. While the lifespan of waste treatment technology is not high because it is not yet possible to separate the waste, the waste usually deposited on the bottom of the tunnel reduces the strength of the cellar.

After a period of inquiry, Mr. Tran Nhu Nguyen, owner of this pig farm has decided to install and use a press machine to separate the manure from the waste water. At a cost of over 300 million.

According to him, although high cost, but when using the system of separation of excreta, wastewater is not put directly into the biogas bag but put into a sedimentation tank. From the settling tank, the wastewater is pumped into the separator. Upon reaching the membrane, the water flows through and enters the biogas bag. The dry matter (stool) is slid down and crushed by a decelerating motor. This motor can be adjusted to squeeze manure by different humidity and can reach below 25% humidity as a fertilizer.

Due to the amount of excreta that pigs in the farm are emitted each day, the time taken to run the machine as well as the amount of finished product collection also varies. Every day, the farm uses a fecal separator once, running time from 1 to 2 hours, every hour spent about 15 kW electricity. The amount of fertilizer extracted from 50-100 bags (20-25kg per bag) per day is equivalent to 100-250 tons.

With the stool press machine, each day Xuan Bac 5 (Dong Nai) pig farm earns an income of less than one million VND thanks to the sale of fertilizer.

According to the representative of C.P Vietnam, the introduction of separator presses has brought many economic and environmental benefits. First of all, because the excrement was separated from the waste water, the amount of sediment in the biogas bag was reduced, thereby reducing the cost of dredging biogas digester and increasing the life of the tunnel.

In addition, because the manure was separated from the waste water, the farm could reduce the volume of biogas reactors, which significantly reduced the cost of tunneling. The source of separation from the effluent is very favored by microbial composting facilities because the stool is crushed like powder. With an average selling price of VND15,000 per bag, Xuan Bac 5 is harvesting VND750,000 to VND1.5 million per day.

"The need to use pig manure for composting is great, this is a by-product that can bring income to pig farms in addition to solving environmental problems," said C.P Vietnam.

Not only pig farms in the North, there are about 30 pig farms, pig meat in the local market bravely invest in separation of this fertilizer.

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