Invitation for Bidding - Package 32

: Tuesday - 28/02/2017 10:20  |  Viewed: 1574
Package No. 32: The model uses a separator system to treat animal waste as raw material for organic fertilizer production in Bac Giang, Ben Tre, Binh Dinh and Phu Tho provinces.

Name of the party calling for tenders: Low Carbon Agriculture Project Management Board

Address: 8th Floor, Intramuros 2 16 Thuy Khue - Tay Ho - Hanoi

Telephone / fax / email: 04.37920062 / 0436326592

Tax code: 0106236693.

1. Name of the package: Package No 32: The model uses the separation system to treat livestock waste as raw material for organic fertilizer production in Bac Giang, Ben Tre, Binh Dinh and Phu Tho provinces.

- Lot 1: Bac Giang
- Lot 2: Ben Tre
- Lot 3: Binh Dinh
- Lot 4: Phu Tho

- Type of tender package:

Construction of Goods Procurement and Mixed Consultation Consulting

- Price of bidding package: VND 29,500,000,000 (two billion and five hundred million dongs /.)

- Main contents of the package: The model uses the system of separating the fertilizer to treat animal waste as raw material for organic fertilizer production in Bac Giang, Ben Tre, Binh Dinh and Phu Tho provinces.

- Duration of contract: 12 months.

2. Name of Project Low Carbon Agriculture Project.

3. Capital: Asian Development Bank (ADB) Loans.

4. Form of contractor selection: National wide bidding (NCB)

5. Method of selection of contractor: One stage, one dossier bag.

6. Time of issue of bidding documents: From 8.30am, 27th February 2017 to before 8.30am, 29th March 2017 (during office hours).

7. Place of issue of bidding documents: Low Carbon Agricultural Support Project - Room 804 - 8th Floor, Intramuros 2 - 16 Thuy Khue - Tay Ho - Ha Noi

8. Price of one set of bidding documents: VND 2,000,000.

9. Bid security:

Lot 1: Bac Giang: VND 110,000,000 (One hundred and ten million dong).

Lot 2: Ben Tre: VND 74,000,000 (Seventy-five million).

Lot 3: Binh Dinh: VND 66,000,000 (Sixty six million).

Lot 4: Phu Tho: VND 170,000,000 (One hundred and seventy million dong).

10. Time of bid closure 8 hours 30, 29 March 2017

11. Tender opening time: 09:00 (Vietnam time), 29 March 2017

B. Details:

Low Carbon Agriculture Assistance (LCASP)

Loans No .: 2968 VIE (SF)

Title Contract: The model uses a separator system to treat animal waste as a raw material for organic fertilizer production in Bac Giang, Ben Tre, Binh Dinh and Phu Tho provinces.

Summary (according to Procurement Plan): Package 32

1. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam has received funding from the [Asian Development Bank] to cover the costs of LCASP and intends to use part of the funding. To pay for the contract, "The model uses a separator system to treat animal waste as a raw material for organic fertilizer production in Bac Giang, Ben Tre, Binh Dinh and Phu Tho provinces."

2. The Central Management Board (CPMU) - Low Carbon Agricultural Assistance Project invites bidders to submit a tender for the contract "The model uses a separator system to treat waste blankets. Farming as raw materials for organic fertilizer production in Bac Giang, Ben Tre, Binh Dinh and Phu Tho provinces.

Lot 1: Bac Giang.
Lot 2: Ben Tre.
Lot 3: Binh Dinh.
Lot 4: Phu Tho.

3. Bidding will be conducted through the Domestic Competitive Bidding procedure specified in the Asian Development Bank Guidelines: Purchasing Guide for April 2015 Update ("Shopping Guide Bidding "), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Bidding Guide.

4. Only eligible bidders who meet the following eligibility criteria should participate in the tender:

The contractor must participate in at least two (02) similar contracts of scale that have been successfully implemented since 2013 and are similar in nature to the proposed Goods, Contractors' participation in each of the larger contracts:

Lot 1: VND 6.4 billion (Six billion four hundred million);

Lot 2: VND 4.0 billion (Four billion);

Lot 3: VND 3.6 billion (Three billion six hundred million);

Lot 4: 9.6 billion (nine billion six hundred million).

The average annual turnover is determined as the sum of payments received by the Contractor for contracts completed or in progress for 3 years (2013, 2014, 2015). Specific:

Lot 1: Bac Giang: VND16.0 billion (VND16 billion).

Lot 2: Ben Tre: VND10.0 billion (VND10 billion).

Lot 3: Binh Dinh: 9.0 billion VND (9 billion VND).

Lot 4: Phu Tho: VND24.0 billion (Twenty four billion).

In the case of a contractor being a consortium, the total turnover of all the consortium members must meet the requirement and at the same time the turnover of one member must meet 40% of the requirement and each member must meet 25 % Of request.

Criteria for contractor capacity will be more fully described in the Bidding Documents.

5. Bidders who are eligible and interested in this contract can find out more information from Mr. Nguyen The Hinh - CPMU Director - Bidding documents during office hours (Monday to Friday, from 08:00 to 17:00) at the address listed below.

6. Bidders who are eligible and interested in this contract may purchase a complete set of Vietnamese bidding documents by submitting the application form to the contact listed below and paying a non-refundable fee. Is VND 2,000,000 (two million). The method of payment is cash or transfer (Account number: 1507201061135 at Agribank - Cau Giay Branch - Hanoi, please specify the content of the transfer: the cost of buying package bidding package 32). Bidding documents will be sent to the bidders in the following mode: postage or direct delivery to the contractor (additional VND 50,000 will be required in case the bidder requests to send by post). Investors will not be held liable if the tender documents are lost or late.

7. Bids must be submitted to the contact listed below at or before 08:30 on March 29, 2017. Late submissions will be rejected. Bids will be open to the public with the presence of the contractor's representative and anyone else interested in attending the tender opening at the address listed below at 09:00 on March 29, 2017.

8. All bids must be accompanied by bid security as prescribed in the bidding dossier.

9. Contact address:

Central Management Board (CPMU) - Low Carbon Agriculture Support Project

Room 805 - House 2 - 16 Thuy Khue - Tay Ho - Hanoi

Fax: 844 37920060

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