MNPB Agriculture Forestry Science and Technology Institute; Three main tea varieties for production in 2016-2025

: Tuesday - 06/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1218
Identifying new varieties of high-yield and high-quality tea, replaced by one of the most important factors to increase tea productivity and output.

Over the past years, MNPB (NOMAFSI) has been studying and dividing into 3 groups for production in 2016-2025. I. Olong tea production line

- Kim Tuyen varieties are dusty, light green leaves, young, purple color, weight of shrimps 2.5-0.52g. Growing healthy plants, 5 years old, canopy density, yield of over 10 tons / ha. Currently planted in Lam Dong, Lang Son, Yen Bai, Phu Tho and Thai Nguyen, the area is over 2,000 ha. - Thuy Ngoc variety has the shape of dust, leaves are light green, light purple, snow hairs, the weight of the leaf 0.51g, 0.5 to 6, new leaf density, productivity 8-10 tons / ha, are being planted in Lam Dong, Lang Son, Yen Bai, Phu Tho and Thai Nguyen provinces with an area of ​​over 500 ha. - Bat Tien variety has the form of dusty body, yellowish green leaf, violet faint leaf, average leaf size of leaf pups 0.52 - 0.57g. The tree grows well, 5 years old, the density of buds is 8 tons / ha, mainly grown in Tuyen Quang, Phu Tho and Thai Nguyen provinces with an area of ​​over 50 ha. - The PH10 variety has the form of dusty body, green leaf, non-felted violet leaf, the average weight of leaf buds is 0.55 g. The tree is growing well, 5 years old, the density of buds is very thick, the productivity is 10 tons / ha, the trial production is being opened in the tea plantations of the Northern Midlands and Mountains. - Huong Bac Son variety has a wooden trunk, dark green leaves, bright yellow color, the weight of 3-leaf shrimp 0.82g. The tree grows well, 5 years old, the density of buds is very thick, the productivity is over 8 tons / ha. Seed is easy to cut branches, resistant to pests and diseases. Green tea processing, oolong tea quite. Widened in Thai Nguyen, Phu Tho, Tuyen Quang, Lao Cai and Lam Dong.

II. Green tea production varieties - LDP1 varieties have the shape of a wooden body, green leaves, light green color, the volume of shrimps is 0.43 - 0.52g. The tree is very good growth, 5 years old, very thick bud density, productivity is over 15 tons / ha. Easy to cut branches, good resistance to pests. Currently being planted in all 35 provinces growing tea in the country with an area of ​​over 30,000 ha. - Phuc Van Tien variety has the shape of a missing wooden body, green leaves, bright green, snow, 2 leaves 0,53g. The tree is well grown, 5-6 years old, the density of buds is quite thick, the yield is over 12 tons / ha. The seed is easy to cut branches, resistant to pests quite. Good green tea processing, especially high quality "green tea" tea. Currently planted mainly in Phu Tho, Tuyen Quang, Yen Bai and Thai Nguyen provinces, with an area of ​​over 2,000 ha. - Hung Dinh Bach has the form of wooden trunk, green leaves, bright blue, snow, the weight of shrimp leaves are 0.54g. The tree grows well, 6 years old, the average bud density, the yield is over 6 tons per hectare. Easy to cut branches, resistant to pests and diseases. Currently being expanded in Phu Tho, Tuyen Quang, Yen Bai and Thai Nguyen provinces to produce green tea. - Acacia Amochis is a dusty, dark green leaves, young purple color, the weight of the leaf shrimp 0.52g. Medium-growing trees, suitable for double row planting, thick bud density, small number of pickles, yield of 6 tons / ha. Seedlings easy to cut branches, quite resistant to pests, is being expanded at the plant. Phu Tho, Tuyen Quang, Yen Bai and Thai Nguyen provinces. - PT95 has the shape of wooden body, green leaves, young pinkish color, the mass of shrimp is 0.56g. Medium growing trees, suitable for growing single, average bud density, small number of buds, yield 6 tons / ha. Variety easy to cut branches, resistant to pests quite. Currently being expanded in Phu Tho, Tuyen Quang, Yen Bai and Thai Nguyen provinces to produce green tea. - The PH8 has a wooden body, the leaves are dark green, the color is slightly purple purple, the weight of shrimp is 0.84g 2 leaves. The tree grows well, 5 years old, the density of buds is very thick, the yield is over 17 tons / ha. Seed is easy to cut branches, resistant to pests and diseases. Widened in Thai Nguyen, Phu Tho, Tuyen Quang and Son La. - The PH9 has a wooden body, the leaves are dark green, the color is slightly purple purple, the mass of shrimp is 2.03g. The tree grows well, 5 years old, the density of buds is quite thick, the productivity is over 15 tons / ha. Seed is easy to cut branches, resistant to pests and diseases. Widened in Thai Nguyen, Phu Tho, Tuyen Quang and Son La. - Than Van shale varieties have large trunk, strong growth, high branches, sparse branches. Leaves are green, large leaf size, 12 cm long, 3.5 cm wide, 1.14 g mass of lobster buds, snowy, 5 years old tea yield of over 6 tons / ha. Processing green tea, especially green tea for beautiful appearance, very fragrant and long-lasting beautiful color. Adapting well to the elevation of over 500m above sea level in Ha Giang, Son La, Lao Cai and Yen Bai provinces with an area of ​​over 100 ha.

III. Good black tea production - LDP2 has a low-growth woody body, low branches, thick branches, light green leaves, young leaves are slightly purple, the mass of shrimps is 0.45-0, 55g. Healthy growth, high productivity of over 18 tons / ha. Wide adaptability, good tolerance. Popular in most northern tea growing provinces, in hilly hills less than 500 meters above sea level. Have good heat tolerance (Nghe An). The area of ​​production reaches 18,000ha. - The PH11 variety has a missing wooden body, bright green leaves. The leaf size is large, mature leaf area is 45.03 cm2, oval shape. Shaggy, bright yellow, little snow hair. The mass of giant shrimps was 0.86 g. Dense thick bud, tea 5 years old 13.5 tons / ha, good insect resistance, easy to cut branches. Quality of black tea processing buds, suitable for CTC processing technology. Extend trial production in tea regions of the Northern Midlands and Mountains. - The PH12 variety has large leaves, leaf area of ​​60.31 cm2, 14.0 cm long, 5.0 cm wide, dark green. Tea buds have many white snowflakes, the mass of shrimps buds 1.16g. Growing healthy, tea yield 4 years yield 8.5 tons per hectare. Resistant to pests and diseases. The quality of the tea buds is good black tea, good taste, happy, black tea sweet taste. Replicated for the mountainous areas of the northern mountains, which are higher than the sea level of over 600m. - PH14 varieties have dark green leaves, purple notes purple, more snow hairs. The resistance to pests is quite good, especially for red spiders are heavily damaged. Propagation with high survival rate reached 95%. Quality buds processing green tea, black tea are good, the characteristic dark bold features of tea shan, black tea has a sweet taste. Replicated for the mountainous areas of the northern mountains, which are higher than the sea level of over 600m. - Silver shank varieties have large trunks, low branches, strong branches, tall trees if natural growth can reach 10-15 m. Leaves are oblong, 15-20 cm long, 4.5 cm wide, yellowish green and soft. The average leaf size of the shrimps was 0.84 grams / shrub, in the form of large buds. On the young buds are covered with white hairs, tea 5 years old capacity of over 10 tons / ha. Pest and disease resistance. Quality of black tea processing buds for very high quality. Currently planted mainly in Phu Tho, Son La, Lao Cai, Yen Bai and Nghe An, with an area of ​​over 300 ha ....

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