Nam Dinh - Linking the production chain in livestock brings high economic efficiency

: Monday - 05/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1133
The livestock sector of Nam Dinh province has been growing. There are many farms, farms and livestock enterprises with several hundreds to several thousand pigs and tens of thousands of chickens. However, the main obstacle to achieving high economic efficiency is the livestock producers who produce products but mainly consumed by intermediaries so they are often forced to price, not to price. Treating their goods. To overcome this situation step by step, the linkage breeding will be one of the solutions bring efficiency.

In order to develop efficient and sustainable husbandry, from the end of 2015, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has created favorable conditions for Van Xuan Truong Veteran Veteran Association, Hien Khanh Commune (Vu Ban) to sign contracts with Tue Huong Co. Ltd CP Vina-HTC performs the linkage chain - consumes clean chicken products. This is the first linkage model in raising animals in the province, which has been set up by DARD to enlarge each step. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) is guiding the product, guiding the construction of livestock breeding facilities and techniques in accordance with the biosafety breeding process; Support the construction and certification of slaughter facilities to ensure the requirements of veterinary hygiene, food safety and hygiene. In this chain, business units are responsible for both inputs and outputs for farmers, breeding animals, animal feeds ... to sell products. Van Xuan Truong cooperative organizes and plans to produce clean chicken as ordered by Tue Huong Company. The product quality requirement of the company is that the chicken must be semi-industrial, no banned substances, no antibiotics and reared according to the procedures of DARD. Mr. Trieu Ngoc Son, Chairman and Director of HTX said: The chicken breed chosen for the model is the chicken breed we chose to create LH-001 and LH-002 of Luong Hue JSC (Hai Phong) Good quality meat, high vitality, easy to raise. To get the "standard" products required by Tue Huong Co., through the introduction of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, cooperative signed a contract with Vina-HTC company to provide feed quality assurance, do not use. Use of stimulants The process of producing clean chicken is divided into two phases, the first phase for chickens fed by the company Vina-HTC supply, to the second phase mainly feed fish meal, beans powder ... In the breeding period from 3 , 5-4 months / litter (longer than 2-4 weeks for industrial farming), the cooperative strengthens the surveillance and prevention of diseases, ensuring the safety of livestock herd. Up to now, chain link has been stable, every month Tue Huong Company consumes 800-900 chickens at the price of 70-74 thousand VND per kg. Mr. Tran Quang Hung, Phu Da village said: When joining the association, the units supplying all breeds of standards, feeds, veterinary drugs, guiding the technical process is strict and covered. Whole product. Thanks to production links, my family has reduced the risks in breeding and completely assured about the market, not worry about the market price as down as the small livestock. Since joining the chain, my family sold 2 litters to sell more than 1,000 chickens, earning over 20 million. From April to 2016, the company continued to sign contracts with cooperatives to carry out the link chain breeding - consumption of clean pigs in the direction of selling industry, using Mong Cai hybrid pigs. Expected to start in September, Tue Huong will buy 40-50 pigs per month with hog price (signed contract with stable price within 2 years) 50,000 VND / Kg, is higher than the market price of 10-15 thousand per kg. According to the agricultural sector, the price and quantity of chicken and poultry in this association have ensured the profitability and meeting the production demand of 20 households in the cooperative.
The link between production and marketing of livestock products between Van Xuan Truong and Tata Huong Cooperatives and Vina-HTC Company is initially effective, acknowledged by all levels, sectors and farmers. Comrade Nguyen Trong Tan, deputy director of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, said that the implementation of chain linkages is an indispensable requirement both for stable and sustainable livestock production. Products have a clear origin, food safety and hygiene
Livestock producers are able to advance livestock feed, access to technical advances, be provided with quality agricultural inputs (breeding animals, feed), reduce risks and minimize environmental pollution. School in breeding. The most important thing is to cover products under the contract signed with the company so they are assured production investment. Businesses also benefit when Vina-HTC company where feed consumption; Tue Huong Company has a stable source of quality materials, step by step building prestige and brand name in the market. The agricultural sector enhances the role of management, enhances the transfer of scientific and technical advances into production in order to bring economic benefits to the farmers, an indispensable development trend in the market economy, and International integration. It is a fact that despite being considered one of the leading provinces in the Red River Delta in terms of animal husbandry, the linkage building in animal husbandry in our province is weak. This is due to the fact that there are not many enterprises in the "outbreak" for livestock producers. Livestock production in the area is still small in nature, but there is no connection between livestock producers. In addition, safe originated livestock products remain unhealthy competition because of unsafe products, unknown origin, which leads to price competition. Consequently, the consumption is still low and it has not impacted livestock farmers to expand production and expand their chain linkages from production to market. The solutions in the coming time to build the chain linking products consumption is to promote information dissemination in many forms. Raise awareness for consumers using livestock and poultry products from establishments of clear origin. To create conditions for organizations, individuals, enterprises producing, processing and slaughtering to consume animal and poultry products directly signed with specialized cooperatives, farms and producers ensuring output . Establishing points of consumption, distribution systems of livestock products to ensure food safety, have clear origin. At the same time, there are mechanisms and policies to encourage organizations and individuals to invest in the livestock sector such as trading, slaughtering, processing and consumption of livestock products ... to create the basis for ensuring output for Breeder

The link between livestock farming between Van Xuan Truong and Tue Huong Co. Ltd, Vina-HTC Company has initially achieved positive results, raising the role and interests of associates. However, this is still a small model, not really make a strong move in the structure of breeding in the area. Therefore, it is necessary to have timely attention from the authorities and the agricultural sector so that this linkage can be further promoted and promoted in the coming time in order to develop the provincial animal husbandry industry towards the effect of the province. Fruitful, sustainable.

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