The golden cow breeding model; Helping farmers escape poverty

: Thursday - 15/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1105
The cattle raising model is developing strongly in An Dien Commune, Ben Cat, Binh Duong Province. In addition to bringing high economic efficiency, this model also helps many farmers have a stable job, increase income.

From a poor household, in 2013, the family of Pham Van Na, in Kien An hamlet, An Dien commune, was approved by the Farmer's Association to borrow 30 million VND from the Farmer's Fund, plus the savings. Buy a cow for breeding. Mr. Na said that at present, with the maintenance of raising 3 cows, the family economy has overcome difficulties, gradually stabilizing life. Mr. Na calculated, each breeder cows if breeding and caring good each year will produce a calf; Every calf after calving, care to 1 year old will be sold at an average price of 25 million. Thus, breeding 3 breeding cows, each year, after deducting the cost of the family he collected interest from 20-30 million planted.
As for the family of Nguyen Xuan Ky, head of the Golden Fodder Association in Kien An hamlet, his cow has grown to 22. Mr. Ky said, breeding cows are simple, less risky. Especially, raising cows is a good investment, not much money, farmers only need to invest once; In addition, cows are raised cattle with high resistance to disease. However, to avoid the risk of loss, farmers need knowledge, technology breeding, food security.
In order to create conditions for local people to develop livestock breeding, from 2015, three beef projects in the commune were supported 990 million from the beef herd development program of the Provincial Farmers Association. In addition, the households raising cattle in the area is also supported 1 billion from the capital budgeted by the People's Committee of Ben Cat Town for 20 households with more than 60 cows.
Mr. Huynh Van Tuan, Chairman of An Dien Commune Farmers Association, said that every year, all levels of associations always coordinate with each other to support capital for disadvantaged families to create conditions for farmers to raise livestock. Economic efficiency of local beef producers has been confirmed, from the poor households have gradually grown up, rich. In 2015, thanks to effective livestock development, 15 peasant members have been able to escape from poverty sustainably. Up to now, only 8 poor households in An Dien commune have met the criteria of the province, accounting for 0.34%.
From the initial results of the models using loans from the Farmer Assistance Fund, it was found that although the capital was not large (from VND15 - 30 million / household), it created conditions for the members of the Farmers' Association to build And scaling up the models of economic development, contributing to rural economic transformation. Farmers in the commune have formed clubs, associations ..., thereby creating a stable output for the product, reduce production costs ...
Mr. Tuan said that in the coming time, An Dien commune will continue mobilizing the people to expand the scale of animal husbandry and at the same time coordinate with functional sectors to organize training courses and transfer advanced faculties. Learn - techniques for people to apply to breeding. The commune continues to create favorable conditions for poor households to access preferential loans to invest in raising cattle in order to stabilize their life.
From a few beef raising households, up to now, An Dien Commune has established 3 cattle breeding groups with nearly 40 member farmers participating in the farm, totaling more than 100 cattle herds.

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