Bac Giang Province; Inspection of biogas plants in operation in 2016

: Wednesday - 01/03/2017 10:20  |  Viewed: 1503
In 2016, the provincial LCASP project has built, tested and transferred money to support 2,500 small biogas plants; Of these 1790 KT1 works, 346 KT2 works and 364 composite works.

The number of built and supported projects is mainly concentrated in the districts where livestock development has taken place such as Hiep Hoa, Viet Yen, Yen The, Lang Giang, Tan Yen and Yen Dung.

In order to ensure that well-operated facilities and technical assistance and project information from district technicians satisfy the farmer after construction has been completed and In operation, the project technicians have randomly checked the works already in operation in the province.

Through inspection showed that the biogas works properly designed, has the code attached to the project and has been checked by technicians to ensure safety and efficiency.

The works were coded

Project owners were trained by the district technicians on technical items as well as safety warnings when using biogas plants; Has been distributed documentation, safety warning signs. However, during the inspection, some shortcomings such as:

- Some households do not fully understand the effect of environmental items in the design of the works.
- Some households just stick the safety warning sign in accordance with the regulations of the project without carefully reading the contents.

District technicians popularize the importance of safety warnings to owners of biogas works

It can be said that through the inspection of the biogas plants in operation, we have evaluated the quality of construction of the team of builders under the project, consultants of district technicians and people's awareness. About the project; This will overcome some shortcomings in the next deployment phase.

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