Modern pig raising

: Thursday - 06/10/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1427
No longer raising pigs in the style of taking profits, "save money", now many households in Hoai An have invested billions to build hi-tech pig farms, closed, attached to environmental protection, Bring high economic efficiency. This is also a new direction in the development of sustainable pig farming in Hoai An.

The pig's pig farm is always clean hygiene.

Modernization of pigs

Before leaving for the local pig farms, Nguyen Thanh Vuong, deputy head of Hoai An district veterinary station, reminded us: "Most pig farms are far away and landlords are not. Want strangers to approach the farm, for fear of inadvertently carrying disease pathogen invading harm animals. Therefore, it is very difficult to record and photograph at farms. "

Indeed, despite the help of veterinarians and leaders of Hoai An district People's Committee, but when we came to the closed-breed hi-tech breeding farm Tuyet Huy, in An Tuong commune, we only stood outside the gate. Observe and listen to the owner providing information through the available design.

This farm is located at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by solid fence walls and greens. Mr. Nguyen Cong Huy, owner of the farm, said: "The pig raising movement is growing strongly, the demand for high quality seed is very high, so in 2012 I decided to lease land and cooperate with the CP Husbandry Company. Vietnam built a closed-breed pig farm with high technology; On an area of ​​over 48,000 square meters, I built an antiseptic at the entrance gate of the farm. Inside, there are 2 rows of pigsty, 3 rows of pigsty and 4 rows of piggy banks, 2 rows of quarters, and a warehouse. All rowhouses have a cooling system and waste treatment system. "

According to Huy, the care and protection of the pigs are done by two veterinarians and 24 technical workers. All activities in and around the farm are monitored by a camera system. The farm is always in a green, clean, cool and absolutely secure disease. On average, the farm sells 1,100 pigs per month at VND94,000 / kg for pigs of 20kg and VND46,000 / kg for pigs of 20kg or more.

I begged the farmer to get in to the piggy bank's investment process and recorded the pigs here, but was not approved. "People definitely can not enter, but want to record the machine to the workers or technicians on the farm used to help, but must spray disinfectant, disinfection machine first," - Tran Thi Tuyet, Huy's wife, said decisively.

Take care of breeding sows at Mr. Thai Van Hieu's farm.

Huynh's farm is about 15 km away from the farm of Mr. Thai Van Hieu in Van Hoi village, An Tin commune. This farm is also isolated from residential areas. On an area of ​​about 1,000 m2, Mr. Hieu built many rows of cages, divided into several cells, captive pigs of different types; There are 38 sows, 300 porkers and many piglets.

"My farm carries out a closed farming process and applies scientific advances in animal husbandry, such as self-production of piglets for slaughter of pigs, self-defense and disease treatment, Use bio-products and green vegetables. Cool building; Pigs eat and drink automatically; Only 2 employees can undertake all the work on the farm. In addition to vaccination for pork disease, every month I spray antiseptic disinfectant. In 2015, I sell 840 pork meat with a total production of 65 tons, earned 2.4 billion. With the above income, Hieu has built a world-class property, taking care of children studying in Japan is also understandable.

In addition to these two farms, Hoai An also has 35 high-tech pig farms, large scale farms and 2,226 households in the form of farms, regularly raising 60-100 pigs and thousands of households Smaller farming. "Most pig producers are aware of the importance of safe hygiene of animal diseases, so they have actively built biogas plants; Many households are enrolled in primary and secondary education in the field of veterinary medicine. Although the pigs of the largest district in the province (currently 232,500 children), the vaccination rate is always high. Thanks to that, many years, pigs in Hoai An always ensure the safety of disease "- said Nguyen Thanh Vuong.

Development of sustainable livestock

With more than 15,000 households, each year supplying about 500,000 pigs in and out of the province, Hoai An district is considered as the biggest pig farm in Central Vietnam. In 2015, the value from pig production reached 325 billion, accounting for 69.5% of the economic value of Hoai An. Pig production not only brings high income to livestock farmers but also creates employment for thousands of local workers.

Every day there are hundreds of pigs bought by traders in Hoai An and consumed in many places in the country.

Mr. Nguyen Huu Khuc, Vice Chairman of Hoai An District People's Committee, said: "Hoai An determines that husbandry is a spearhead economic sector, giving priority to development. The district has been planning concentrated livestock areas away from residential areas, encouraging and creating favorable conditions for organizations and individuals to invest in the development of hi-tech breeding farms, raising clean pigs. Currently linked chain in animal husbandry in association with ecological environment protection. There are many enterprises (DN) have invested in the construction of large scale breeding farms, applying high technology.

Two companies that Khuc mentioned are Phu Hung Equipment Co., Ltd (Ho Chi Minh City) and Bao Chau Farm JSC (Hoai An). In particular, Phu Hung Company was allocated 12 ha in Hoai An district in An My village to invest in the construction of Phu Hung high-tech pig breeding farm with a total investment of over 60 billion. The company has basically finished infrastructure, it is estimated that in May 5, 1616 will raise about 2,400 sows, an average of 45,000 pigs per year. Bao Chau Company is also promoting the construction of pig and chicken farms in An Duc commune, linking with the implementation of the linkage chain for purchasing, slaughtering and marketing products. Mr. Dao Xuan Dien, Director of Bao Chau Company, said: On an area of ​​3 hectares, we will build 10 rows of enclosed septic tanks, raising about 200 porkers, 200 sows, 5,000 chickens and Slaughtering, processing and packaging of livestock and poultry products to ensure food safety and hygiene. The breeding farm will be installed cooling system and waste treatment system with Japanese technology with a total investment of about 15 billion.

"In addition to encouraging and creating favorable conditions for businesses to invest in high-tech closed farms, we will also focus on developing a grassroots veterinary network that will support the development of Pork breed with high productivity and quality, guiding farmers to apply new techniques in animal husbandry, breeding livestock with ecological environment protection, creating high value products with high economic value. Hygiene and food safety, gradually create and develop the brand raising pigs Hoai An sustainable. Mr. Nguyen Huu Khuc told us so before the break up.

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