Project Progress Report from the beginning of the project to August 2012 of Binh Dinh Province PMU

: Thursday - 03/11/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1303
Based on the implementation of the project activities in the locality, the LCASP Project Management Unit in Binh Dinh Province reports the results of the implementation activities, details are as follows:


1. Name of Project: Low Carbon Agricultural Support Project (LCASP) in Binh Dinh Province.
2. Owner: Binh Dinh Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
3. Organization of project consultancy:
4. Main objectives of the project: (according to the general objectives of the project)
5. Size and capacity: To build 9,000 small-scale biogas plants; 10 medium scale projects and 15 large scale projects.
6. Location of project: 11 districts, town and city in Binh Dinh province
7. Area of ​​land use: within the premises of livestock households and livestock enterprises.
8. Form of project management: administrative affairs
9. Timelines for the project:

- Approval date of investment decision: 11/9/2013
- Project duration: 6 years (time begins in September 2013 and ends in December 2015).

10. Total investment: 59,681 million VND Of which: + ADB's capital: 55,211 million VND
+ The counterpart fund of the province: 4,470.0 million

11. Investment capital sources: Funds from the Asian Development Bank (under the Governments Loan Agreement of Vietnam and ADB) and the budget of the local budget.

12. Brief Project Description:
12.1. Project Title: Low Carbon Agricultural Support Project (LCASP)
12.2. Sponsor: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
12.3. Agency implementing the project: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
12.4. The project implementation period: 6 years, from 2013 to 2018, closing the loan account on 30/06/2019.
12.5. Location: in 10 provinces including Bac Giang, Ben Tre, Binh Dinh, Ha Tinh, Lao Cai, Nam Dinh, Phu Tho, Soc Trang, Son La and Tien Giang.
12.6. Total project budget: US $ 84.00 million, of which ADB loan is US $ 74 million; Counterpart fund of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 3.7 million USD; Capital of financial institutions $ 6.3 million.
12.7. Development goals of the project
+ Long-term goal:

Contribute to enhancing the application of comprehensive management of agricultural waste by promoting the use of clean biogas energy and organic fertilizers. Improve the capacity of stakeholders by disseminating knowledge and skills on comprehensive management of agricultural waste to beneficiaries.

+ Specific objectives:

1) Improve livestock waste management activities, by-product waste from biogas plants; Reduce environmental pollution; Create clean energy sources, bio-organic fertilizers and clean development mechanism (CDM) revenues.

2) Strengthen the application of proven agricultural waste management technologies; Promote the use of renewable energy and microorganism fertilizers from agricultural waste; To replicate the application of waste management technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve livelihoods and quality of life of rural people.

3) Capacity building for stakeholders and dissemination of knowledge and skills in the application of low carbon agricultural production technology to beneficiaries.

12.8. Content of the project implementation

A) Management of animal waste
- The project will support the construction of 36,000 small-scale biogas plants, 40 medium-sized biogas plants and 10 large-scale biogas plants.
- By 2018, training of 36,000 farmer households (at least 50% trained women), 500 builders 160 technicians, 10 engineers and 10 construction contractors trained and posted. Sign on the Biogas Association.

B) Transfer of low-carbon agricultural production technology.
- Training and implementation of about 70 extension models for the transfer of low-carbon agriculture (CSAWMP) technology in 10 provinces of the project, of which at least 50% of the beneficiaries are women and have Participation of community organizations.
- Implementing about 21 models of pilot research and replication of CSAWMP models, 30% of models are gender mainstreaming. The models will focus on the use of agricultural waste to produce energy, electricity and organic fertilizers for rice and other crops.

12.9. Components of the project

The project has four (04) components:
- Component 1. Management of animal waste
- Component 2. Credit for biogas value chains
- Component 3. Transfer of low-carbon agricultural production technology
- Component 4. Project Management



On February 27, 2013, the People's Committee of Binh Dinh Province issued Document No. 597 / UBND-TH on assigning the LCASP project owner to Binh Dinh Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

The Binh Dinh Province LCASP Project Management Board was established under the Decision No. 505 / QD-SNN dated 5 March 2013 of the Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and was consolidated under Decision No. 1259 / QĐ-SNN dated 26 March 2013 / 4/2014; Accordingly, the organizational apparatus of the current PMU is composed of 10 persons (07 full-time and 03 part-time staff), specifically as follows:

- 03 Part-time staff:
+ Mr. Dao Van Hung - Deputy Director of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development cum Director of Binh Dinh LCASP;
+ Mr. Huynh Ngoc Diep - Deputy Director of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department cum Deputy Director of Binh Dinh LCASP;
+ 01 Technical Officer is Deputy Chief of NTM Coordination Office;

- 07 Full-time officers include:

+ 1 Chief Accountant
+ 1 accountant;
+ 1 Coordinator, Planner (with CPMU consultant in the province);
+ 2 Technical and supervisory staff;
+ 1 administrative officer, clerk and treasurer
+ 1 driver

The director of the project management board has issued a decision on the operation regulations, internal expenditure regulations and specific tasks for each member.

The PPMU maintains monthly meetings with district technicians to capture information and activities in the propaganda, advocacy, counseling, inspection and acceptance of biogas plants for timely resolution. Difficulties and problems of technicians. At the same time, the PPMU regularly monitors the construction and installation of biogas plants in localities and works with technical managers to take advantage of the support and facilitate the technicians to operate.

The PPMU has promptly advised the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) to issue norms to assist KTV in checking, monitoring and acceptance of biogas works after approval by the CPMU.

Based on the CPMU consensus document, the provincial LCASP project management board will take the initiative in developing a detailed plan and advise the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) on issuance of the approval decision; At the same time, organize the implementation, contract, assignment of responsibilities to the relevant units. Assign responsibility for monitoring to supervisors, supervisors and each member.


* COMPONENT 1: Comprehensive management of animal waste:

1.1. Up to the time of reporting, the Provincial Project Management Unit organized 12 training courses on comprehensive management of animal waste, including 360 trainees (including 65 female) who were extension officers and farmers involved. enough.

- Training time: 2 days / class, in Quy Nhon city;

- Content of the training program: Introduction to the project; Source of waste, composition of livestock waste and treatment solutions; Techniques to use cows' wastes to raise worms for poultry feed and compost for crops; Legal documents on agricultural environmental management.

1.2. Propaganda Information: The PPMU has signed contracts with 11 districts, towns and cities to hold 616 radio broadcasts on 11 radio stations in districts, towns and cities on objectives and support policies of the project for households. Livestock farmers, call for registration to participate in construction of biogas works.

1.3. Organized 07 seminars on selection criteria for small and medium sized biogas producers.

1.4. Organize training of mason team (25 persons) and 40 technicians to provide technical guidance, consultancy, technical supervision, and documenting the acceptance of biogas works.

1.5. Organize a TOT training course for extension workers and small scale farmers with small scale practice, with 30 participants.

1.6. Organize training on safe waste management and guiding the operation of biogas plant for households:

- From early 2016 to 31/7/2016: PPMU has organized 27 classes with 950 trainees (including 288 females) for farmers to build biogas works; Duration of 2 days / class, in districts, town and city.

- Accumulated from the beginning of the project to date: 134 classes; Total: 5,446 trainees, of which 2,454 females make up 45%.

1.7. Organize the technician to guide, inspect and supervise technical support and prepare the dossier for acceptance and disbursement for 4,452 small-scale biogas plants out of a total of 5,917 small-scale biogas plants already constructed and installed. Each house supports 3 million VND (Appendix 2 attached).

1.8. Monitoring of biogas plants in operation is maintained regularly. The results have examined 210 small scale biotech. Thereby, assess and draw experiences for the mason team and technicians at the district level to overcome the shortcomings and limitations.

* COMPONENT 2: Credit for biogas value chains:

2.1. The LCASP Provincial Project Management Unit assists the Agricultural Bank of Vietnam and its branches in districts, towns and cities in reaching out to households to disseminate and mobilize people to build biogas plants. Through training courses on operation and use of biogas works organized by the PPMU. On the other hand, provide a list of households who have participated in the construction of biogas works for the Bank.

2.2. Loan financing mechanism: Through consultation with two financial institutions, disbursement is very slow. Up to 6 years 2016:

- Cooperative Bank (Co-opbank) has provided loans to 30 households, with a total cost of 2.02 billion, of which only 4 households are included in the list of participating projects. Banks lend money through people's credit funds in communes, wards, interest rates in one another and not in accordance with the provisions of the project on preferential interest rates for the people.

- Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Agribank) has loaned a household with the amount of 10 million.

* COMPONENT 3: Low-carbon agricultural technology transfer:

3.1. Sub-component 3.1: Promoting Low Carbon Agricultural Applications:

The LCASP project management board in Binh Dinh province has organized a workshop calling for scientists, farmers and extension workers to propose contents for research and development in agricultural production to reduce pollution. Agricultural environment and greenhouse gas emissions. The results of the workshop had 6 contents proposed to the PCU for consideration as follows:

1. Research on the production of organic fertilizers from animal wastes and biogas by-product

2. Research on improving biogas technology in the value chain and using biogas effectively

3. Research on technology to save water pigs

4. Study on the efficient use of crop residues in the value chain

5. Research on shrimp waste treatment

6. Research on solutions for inefficient rice land conversion and greenhouse gas emission reduction practices along the value chain

3.2. Building low carbon agriculture models

- The PPMU has organized a workshop for farm owners, agricultural and extension workers and farmers to propose low carbon agricultural production models and organized two study tours. The participating provinces in the south, with a total of 19 participants.

- The PPMU has proposed seven models of low-carbon agriculture. Results of the selection and new notice expressed interest, there are five models are expected to file for submission to the CPMU for implementation (Appendix 3 attached). The PPMU is waiting for the CPMU to finalize and complete the procurement tender to sign the contract at the local level.

- The PPMU held training courses for agricultural extension staff and farmers on low carbon agricultural production technologies. As of July 31, 2004, 12 training courses were held with 360 participants.

Content: Technology of using cattle wastes to raise worms for poultry and make organic fertilizer for plants and training in composting technology to make organic fertilizer for plants.

* COMPONENT 4: Project Management:

4.1. Project management:

- To comply with the provisions of the Project Implementation Manual and the donor's commitments.

- All PPMU activity plans prior to the implementation of the CPMU agreed and approved by the owner in writing.

4.2. Project monitoring and evaluation: Follow the regulations of the project.

4.3. Audit and periodic assessment upon completion of the project:

- Follow the rules of the project. Since the beginning of the project, there have been two rounds of audits in 2014 and 2015; 02 audit of financial statement 2014.

- Based on the conclusions of the inspection teams: The provincial PMU has strictly complied with the provisions of the project and the law of the state on the financial management.

4.4. Basic Investigation

The PPMU has conducted a potential survey on the need for biogas plant construction and installation as a basis to develop a support plan for farmers. By the end of 2014, there were 14,036 biogas plants under construction, of which 1,935 were small-scale LCASPs. Number of potential breeding households: 46,726 households

4.5. Project reporting system:

Perform periodically according to project rules.


From 2013 to the reporting date, the LCASP Project Management Unit in Binh Dinh Province has disbursed the following results (Annex attached disbursement schedule):

Total budget: 24,742 million. Inside; + ODA capital: 23,084 million

+ Local budget capital: 1.658 million

Disbursement rate compared with the plan reached: 41%


1. Advantages.

- Interest, favorable conditions of the PPC (Department of Investment Management), Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (Agency for Investors) and localities. In particular, the construction and installation of biogas works contributes to the achievement of criteria 17 for the environment in new rural construction.

- Recurrent budget of the province on a timely basis, fully allocated to the project activities.

- The LCASP Central Project Management Board has paid attention to, guided in details the implementation contents and actively considered and early approved the financial plan of the activities since the beginning of the year, thus facilitating the organization work. , deployment.

- Husbandry of Binh Dinh Province, especially pig raising, is growing steadily in terms of scale, total herd and share of production value in agricultural structure.

- Communication and advocacy activities are always maintained. Rural people are increasingly aware of the harmful effects of environmental pollution caused by livestock waste and the benefits of investing in the construction and installation of biogas works. .

- Stable price of pork, profitability of raising livestock, raising income for farmers and especially the support policy of the project should farmers bravely invest in building biogas.

2. Difficult.

- In the early days of the project management board, the organization of the implementation of activities was still confusing.

- Binh Dinh has two distinct rainy and sunny seasons. The rainy season lasts from September to December every year, so the construction and installation of testing and other activities implemented during this time is difficult.

- 02 Financial institutions now, people hard to access loans because of difficulties in the procedure.

* The PMU has overcome difficulties, implemented well the activities and completed the annual plan in accordance with the approved decision.


1. Situation of project implementation:

Under the guidance and guidance of the Central LCASP Project Management Board, Binh Dinh Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (the owner) and the close coordination between the PPMU and the Finance, Private, state treasury; The provincial project management board has well implemented the annual approval plan, implementing the plan to ensure the schedule is set.

In the past time, the project activity was mainly to build and install biogas works for households in need. The project management board has guided district-level technicians to monitor and supervise the construction and installation of biogas works so as to ensure the quality and efficiency of the works put into use and timely disbursed, Transfer funds to support 3 million VND to people after the works are tested. However, the disbursement plan is slower than the number of built-up works because of the time required for the acceptance of people to be trained on the operation and use of biogas works to ensure the criteria of the project; Therefore, some construction works, kap81 have been completed but have not been trained technical operation has not been tested, transfer money support.

2. Project management:

Organizational structure of the PPMU is synchronous, staff is capable, active in all activities and has a high responsibility to perform tasks.

Records management is carried out in accordance with project regulations and donor commitments.

3. Processing situation, feedback information: Honest, timely, accurate.


6.1. Recommend Binh Dinh People's Committee.

Continue to pay more attention to the direction and organization of project activities.

6.2. Proposed Asian Development Bank (ADB).

- Early consideration of the first procurement tender for the CPMU to tender for procurement of equipment for the implementation of the local model.

- One more financial institution was added as a policy bank so that people could easily access loans.

- Expand lending conditions when people have the need to access loans and benefit from the project.

6.3. Recommend the Central LCASP Project Management Board.

Early implementation of pilot models and demonstration models in the 2016 plan.

Early support for environmental equipment, enabling the PPMU to carry out local monitoring and control activities.

- Early procurement of equipment package to the PPMU to implement the model, ensuring the schedule as planned.

The LCASP project management board in Binh Dinh Province is reporting to the Provincial People's Committee, the Asian Development Bank, the Central Project Management Board and the Binh Dinh Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for consideration and direction.

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