- Project Title: Low Carbon Agricultural Support Project, abbreviation LCASP.
- Donor: Asian Development Bank (ADB), Loan 2968-VIE (SF).
- Period of implementation: 2013 - 2018.
- Location: 13/13 districts, towns and cities in the province.
- The project is approved the master plan to be amended in Decision No. 303 / QD-BNN-TC dated 25/01/2016 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Decision No. 563 / QĐ-UBND dated 08 / 3/2016 of Ha Tinh People's Committee. Total investment: 51,620 million VND (equivalent to 2,346,372 USD), of which: ADB loan: 45,987 million VND (equivalent to 2,090,327 USD); Counterpart fund: VND5,633 million (US $ 256,045).
- Project objectives:
To build a sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly agricultural production through the promotion of replication and replication of research models and the transfer of agricultural production technologies towards mitigation. Greenhouse gas emissions and response to climate change mitigation, effective use of natural resources, by-products in agriculture, effective management of post-harvest processing and preservation Agricultural products. Reduce environmental pollution caused by agricultural waste through expansion and development of biogas program from small scale household to medium and large scale, creating clean energy source; Improve livelihoods and improve the quality of life of rural people.
2.1. Organizing committee
The Low Carbon Agriculture Support Project is assigned by the People's Committee of Ha Tinh Province to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and is directly managed by the ODA Project Management Unit of the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector. In Document No. 595 / UBND-NL dated 04/02/2013.
The personnel involved in the project implementation include: Deputy Director, Project Director; Chief accountant; 06 professional staff (Finance - Accounting, Planning - Bidding, Engineering - Supervision); 03 part-time officers (belonging to Provincial Extension Center); Administrative Officers, Clerical Officers, Democrats, Drivers, ... shared ODA Project Management Board for Agriculture and Rural Development.
2.2. Status of project implementation to 31/7/2016.
- Summary of key achievements: After more than two years of implementation, the project has achieved some positive results, bringing practical effects to people such as minimizing living expenses from fuel generated from Reducing the working hours for children and women, reducing the deforestation as a fuel, contributing to the positive environment of animal husbandry, reducing greenhouse gas emissions; Raising awareness for the people in the comprehensive management of animal waste, low carbon agricultural production, the results are as follows:
+ Construction of biogas plant: Cumulative installed capacity from the beginning of the project to date has reached 3,682 works (of which composite works: 3,179 works, KT1: 76 works and KT2: 427 projects) achieved 66% Master plan of the project (5,700 works); Two medium scale projects (50.5 m3 and 100 m3).
+ Training activities: Organizing training on construction techniques and operation of biogas plants to ensure safety and efficiency for 4,959 turns of people participation, of which the number of women is 2,216, accounting for 45% ; Organized six workshops on transferring low-carbon agricultural production technologies (CSAWMP) to 70 extension workers, key farmers, with a duration of 03 days; Organized 05 training courses for technicians, builders involved in the project with the number of 121 (75 mason, installer, 46 technicians), 30 trained women (24%)
+ Propaganda: In 2015, to build 05 films on the Ha Tinh TV on comprehensive management of animal waste; Design, print 10,000 technical leaflets; In 2016, 05 films on propaganda about CSAWMP, designed 262 panels panels installed at the headquarters of the People's Committee of communes, wards and towns in the province.
+ Disbursement results so far: 16,232 million VND (equivalent to 737,818 USD), of which ODA capital: 14,774 million VND (equivalent to 671,545 USD), reciprocal capital: 1,408 million VND (equivalent to 64,000 USD). In 2016, disbursement to 15/9/2016 reached 3,930 million VND (equivalent to 178,636 USD), of which ODA capital: 3,300 million VND (equivalent to 150,000 USD), reciprocal capital: 630 million VND (equivalent to 28,636 USD) .
- Advantage:
+ With the practical benefits of the project in contributing to improving environmental pollution, waste management in farm households; Development of agriculture low carbon agriculture, the project has received the close attention and guidance of the provincial People's Committee, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development; Central Project Management Board;
+ From the results achieved after 02 years of implementation, the project has received high participation from farmers and farmers in the province, the number of construction and installation of biogas plants increased. on;
+ The project is implemented in the whole province is implementing the task of restructuring the agriculture sector, building new countryside.
- Difficult:
+ The project is implemented in a large area, with the participation of all households and livestock farms, while the technical staff of the project is thin so it is difficult to implement. ;
+ Component 2 "Credit for biogas value chains": Can not be implemented in Ha Tinh province; Cause of interest rates are not attractive to households, owners involved; Loan procedures are not suitable when deployed in Ha Tinh;
+ Composite tanks made by companies themselves, supplied and installed for people outside the project in large numbers, thus affecting the construction progress of biogas plants in the project.
2.3. The latest information
- Market prices related to project activities: Livestock prices fluctuate from time to time affecting construction activities of biogas works in the project.
- Trends in the number of households and farms engaged in construction activities of biogas plants, training on technology transfer for low-carbon agriculture production and management of livestock waste under the project: Increase Strong in number of participants.
- Changes in plans and effect of provincial regulations: None.
- Other events with potential effects on project implementation: None.
1.1. Sub-component 1.1: Comprehensive management of livestock waste and carbon markets
1.1.1. Activity 1: Training of extension workers, farmers and other stakeholders on comprehensive management of animal waste
Master Plan: Organize 17 training courses for key agricultural extension staff on comprehensive management of animal waste.
- Progress: 6 training courses on composting, cinnamon and bio padding were organized for more than 270 extension workers (Women's Union, farmers, ...) and farmers The key, the number of female participants in the training was 117 people, accounting for 43% of the total number of students.
- Progress: Progress according to the Plan.
- Impact assessment: Training project, technology transfer on livestock waste management, CSAWMP for key extension workers, key farmers and intermediaries disseminated and applied. Comprehensive management of animal waste, propaganda and transfer to households, farms, livestock units in the province.
1.1.2. Activity 2: Information dissemination on comprehensive management of animal waste
- Master Plan: Information and communication about the project and comprehensive management of animal waste through the broadcast on television, radio, leaflets printing, installation of panels, posters, .. And organize training courses for households on how to build, install and operate biogas plants for livestock households.
- Progress:
+ By 2015: 05 films released on Ha Tinh Television will be built on the topic of Agriculture and Rural Development; Design and print 10,000 copies of technical leaflets on comprehensive management of animal waste and biogas technology.
+ In 2016: Provincial Project Management Board signed broadcasting contracts on radio broadcasting projects in communes, wards and townships in the whole province so that people know and participate; Designing 262 panels of propaganda panels attached to the People's Committees of communes, wards and townships.
+ Organized technical training for construction and operation of biogas works for 4,959 households with registration applications for construction and installation of biogas plants, the number of female students is 2,216, accounting for 45%. Of which: In 2014, the total number of participants is 2,038, with the number of women 809, accounting for 40%. By 2015, the total enrollment of 2,148 people, the number of women is 1,009 people accounted for 47%. Since the beginning of 2016, there have been 17 classes, total 773 participants, 398 female students, accounting for 49%.
- Progress: Progress as planned.
- Impact assessment: Widespread information and propaganda activities in the province have contributed positively to raising awareness among farmers and farm owners about the comprehensive management of animal waste. , Low carbon agriculture, towards sustainable, environmentally friendly.
1.2. Sub-component 1.2: Support to the development of biogas works
1.2.1. Activity 7: Supervise the operation of biogas plants with full environmental items.
- Master plan: The number of biogas plants is checked and supervised annually, accounting for at least 5% of the construction works in previous years.
- Progress: PMU issued Decision No. 1169 / QĐ-ODA dated 04/11/2015 on the establishment and assignment of tasks for technicians' teams to perform inspection and supervision tasks. Running KSH in operation; Objectively evaluate the results achieved in solving environmental problems and economic efficiency of farm households. In 2015, 65 biogas plants were inspected and monitored (built and installed in 2014); In 2016, 150 biogas plants are being inspected and evaluated from 2014 and 2015.
- Progress: Progress as planned.
- Impact assessment: The biogas plants built and installed within the framework of the project are inspected, monitored and full evaluation report. The results show that 100% of the works have all the items required by the project (environmental item, construction code, separation system). The monitoring and evaluation work has provided an objective assessment of the efficiency brought about by the construction of a small-scale biogas plant; KTV project guided, timely counseling households overcome, handle the shortcomings in the process of operation, if any; Draw lessons learned for better implementation, more effective.
1.2.2. Activity 8: Training and certification for technicians, builders, engineers and contractors to support the construction of biogas plants.
- Master plan: Organize training courses for technicians participating in inspection, supervision and acceptance of biogas works; Training for mason teams and installers to ensure proper construction and installation of all items under the guidance of the Central PMU.
- Implementation progress: 05 training courses were held for technicians, mason and installers of biogas plants, including 03 training courses for technicians participating in testing, monitoring and testing. Collection of biogas works; 01 training class for builders; 01 class of installers.
- Impact assessment: Provincial PMBs trained and trained 46 KTV staff to assist in checking, supervising and checking the biogas plant; 75 builders, install biogas works. Technician training: In 2014, 2015, 03 training courses for technicians will be organized. 2016 is expected to organize a training course to improve knowledge, training new project technicians. Mason training: Organize training and training of 01 masonry class, 01 class of mason, with a total of 75 participants.
1.2.3. Activity 9: Financial support for biogas works
- Master Plan: Financial support for 5,700 small-scale biogas plants; 60 medium-sized biogas plants and 01 large-scale biogas plant (according to Decision No. 303 / QD-BNN-TC dated 25/01/2016).
- Implementation progress: Accumulated from the beginning of the project to 31/7/2016 PMU has checked and received financial support for 3,230 small scale biogas plants. Currently, the project has been speeding up, continuing the acceptance test, financial support for the biogas plant has been built up to meet the requirements, ensuring completion of the construction schedule.
- Progress: Progress according to the Plan.
- Impact assessment: Receive positive response from livestock farmers, farm owners; It brings many practical effects such as reducing fuel costs due to biogas replacement, reducing hours for women and children, reducing deforestation for fuel, ... reduce the amount of carbon dioxide from Livestock is released into the environment.
3.1. Sub-component 3.1: Promoting low carbon agriculture
3.1.2. Activity 2: Establish an information system for sharing low carbon agricultural output
- Master plan: Information and communication on low-carbon agriculture (CSAWMP) such as broadcasting program, printing and printing on propaganda products, leaflets, writing News story
- Progress: Developing 05 CSAWMP newscasts on Ha Tinh TV on Agriculture in 2016.
- Progress: Progress according to the Plan.
- Impact assessment: Introduction, communication on low carbon agricultural production towards a sustainable agriculture. Implementation of the CSAWMP demonstration model development.
3.1.3. Activity 3: Training of researchers and extension workers for the effective application of low-carbon agricultural production technologies.
- Master plan: Organize study tours, learn from local experiences on effective application of low-carbon agricultural production technologies.
- Implementation progress: Two study tours were organized for small scale biogas construction and installation projects in the southern provinces of Binh Dinh and the northern provinces of Phu Tho and Lao PDR. Argue); 01 visit, learn experience construction and installation of medium and large scale biogas plants in the northern provinces (Nam Dinh, Bac Giang). Report on the results of the work has been gained from the study tours from the project provinces.
It is expected that 2016 will organize a study tour to learn about the development of low-carbon agricultural production models in the southern provinces.
- Progress: Progress according to the Plan.
- Impact assessment: The trip has brought practical effects to the process of implementing and implementing the project in the province. The delegation has shared and learned from provinces with more experience to implement the project more effectively; Visiting many models of biogas, models of agricultural production, large-scale breeding, ...
3.2. Sub-component 3.2: Development of low-carbon agricultural models
3.2.1. Activity 6: Development of low carbon agricultural production demonstration models.
- Master Plan: Hold seminars on selection of CSAWMP demonstration models; Implementation of low carbon agricultural production demonstration models.
- Implementation progress: 2 workshops on selection criteria for demonstration trials were organized;
Implementation of the selection process of households / farms, locations for model implementation under the CPMU guidelines: Establishment of expression of interest; Develop criteria and methods for evaluating applications; Posted an invitation to express interest in the newspaper Ha Tinh, at the headquarters of the commune, ward; Currently the PPMU is synthesizing, the meeting selects the list of households / farms registered to implement the model submitted to the CPMU as required.
- Progress: Progress as planned.
- Impact assessment: The demonstration model implemented in the province will contribute to promoting the development of agriculture towards low-carbon agriculture, replication of models with high economic efficiency, improvement Environmental pollution, greenhouse gas emission reduction in farm households.
3.2.2. Activity 7: Training of agricultural extension staff and farmers on low carbon agricultural production technologies: Not implemented.
4.1. Project Management: Implement, manage, monitor, monitor and evaluate project activities.
4.2. Project monitoring and evaluation
PPMUs conduct monitoring, evaluation and updating of monthly and quarterly data on the results of activities to the Monitoring and Evaluation System issued by the Central PMB.
4.3. Auditing and evaluating completed projects:
Independent auditing activities, State audit shall be carried out in accordance with the annual plan of the Project.
4.4. Basic Investigation:
Coordinate actively with consultant teams hired by the Central PMU to collect basic data.
4.5. Project reporting system:
PPMUs have fully implemented the monthly, quarterly, and first half year reports according to the regulations and requirements of the Central PMU, the Department of Planning and Investment and other related departments.
5.1. Shopping Progress: Not implemented.
5.2. Financial management:
The Low Carbon Agriculture Support Project is a non-capital administrative project. Implement financial management of the project in accordance with the guidelines of the Donor's Manual and the current regulations of the Government of Vietnam (Decree No. 16/2016 / NĐ-CP dated March 16, Circular No. 192/2011 / TT-BTC dated 26/12/2011, Circular 97/2010 / TT-BTC dated 06/7/2010 of The financial,…).
After more than 02 years of implementation, the Low Carbon Agriculture Support Project has brought positive results to the livestock environment in the province, awareness of livestock farmers on environmental protection, management Comprehensive improvement of livestock waste, the demand for construction of biogas plants is constantly increasing. Through training activities, training of extension workers, farmers understand how to manage the waste from animal husbandry and agricultural by-products; Reduce environmental pollution; Create a clean energy source. Initially implementing demonstration models on CSAWMP, comprehensive management of animal waste was welcomed and active participation by livestock farmers in the province.
From the achievements and experience gained during the implementation, the PPMU continues to coordinate well with the specialized agencies, localities and grassroots units in implementing the project. To concentrate on completing the project's activities: To speed up the construction and installation of biogas plants so as to soon complete the targets and master plans; Continuing public awareness campaigns on livestock waste management, technical transfer on low-carbon agricultural production for key agricultural extension staff; Construction of biogas works; The implementation of CSAWMP demonstration models in the province.
8.1. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development:
- Arranging counterpart funds as committed to carry out the project in the following years.
8.2. Central PMU:
- It is requested that the Central PMB work with all levels, departments and central agencies to remove obstacles to disbursement of loans. Ensure the disbursement of funds has been arranged according to the plan.
- Demonstration activities of HP3: Ha Tinh has not been directly assisted by the consultant team to implement the model, so to implement the demonstration model of efficiency and design. Details of the selected models are in line with local situation and requirements. Ha Tinh PPMU requests the Central PMU to recruit consultants to support Ha Tinh province.
- The Central PMU will strengthen the management, inspection and supervision of the quality of composite tank products supplied by companies participating in the project.
8.3. For ADB:
- Increase the financial support for construction and installation of biogas works for livestock households, especially small scale biogas works, from VND3 million / project to VND5 million / project (according to the Decision No. 50 / QD-TTg dated 04/9/2014 of the Prime Minister);
- For HP2 "Credit for biogas value chains": It is requested that donors consider transferring funds, adding funds to high performance components with practical benefits to households. feed.
- For the content of the demonstration project under HP3: It is requested that ADB consider the mechanism of support for equipment of 40 ÷ 60% of the total value of the model and the infrastructure of the reciprocal people in order to bind the management, Efficient use of equipment, machinery and projects. The implementation of the mechanism of temporary use and use will arise risks, low efficiency.
Above are the results and progress of the Ha Tinh Low Carbon Agriculture Support Project. Management Board of ODA projects in the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector - Ha Tinh Low Carbon Agriculture Support Project reports to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Central Project Management Board, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Rural development is known, directed.