Report on implementation results of low carbon agricultural support project in Lao Cai province in the second quarter and plan for implementation of the third quarter of 2016.

: Thursday - 22/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1405
Project Management Unit (PMU) of Lao Cai province reported the results of the implementation of the second quarter project and the implementation plan for the third quarter of 2016 as follows:


Component 1: Comprehensive management of animal waste

Sub-component 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and development of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

Communication and information about the project:

- The Lao Cai PPMU has coordinated with the Economic / Agriculture / Rural Development Offices / Districts, technicians, biogas plant supply / installation companies, project builders, Agribank District and City Branches, Farmer Associations, Women's Union ... successfully organized 20 commune-level communication workshops on comprehensive management of animal and gut waste. The benefits of installing and constructing biogas plants for 1,099 participants.

- In addition, PMU has completed 10,000 leaflets of propaganda, 1,140 helmets introducing information about the project, of which 1,123 helmets have been produced, together with communal communication workshops and 4,000 leaflets for livestock producers throughout the province.

Training in comprehensive management of animal waste

- 07 training courses for 233 trainees have been organized for key extension workers and farmers on suitable technologies for low carbon agricultural production. Throughout the content of the training course on livestock waste management, 100% of the trainees were disseminated on techniques of earthworm culture and organic composting and were certified after completion of the course. training.

Training on the operation of biogas works for the people

- There were 09 training courses on biogas plant operation and maintenance for 301 trainees (including 62 female learners, accounting for 20.6%, 133 students, accounting for 44.19% ) Is the owner of biogas works with the following contents: Popular to the people about biogas works, animal waste management, clean development mechanism in livestock (CDM) and environmental protection for Biogas works; A guide for farmers on the methods, skills, operation, maintenance and use of biological byproducts in livestock and crops; Answering people's questions about biogas works; Popularize payment process, financial and technical support of the project to the people. From there, help owners of biogas plants have more baggage in the process of using biogas plants.

Sub-component 1.2. Support the development of biogas works

- PPMU connects and builds multi-stakeholder linkages between PPMU, Farmer's Union, Women's Union, Economic / Agriculture Division, Districts / City; Veterinary Station, Agricultural Extension Center of companies supplying ... to carry out construction / installation of biogas plant in Lao Cai province.

- With 05 units supplying and installing biogas plants and 07 masons operating in Lao Cai province. Up to now, the province has installed 1,676 biogas plants, reaching 62.07% of the plan (plans: 2,700 works). Particularly 2016 has built 380 works including 29 KT1, 01 KT2 and 350 works CPS.

- Disbursed support 381 works, accumulated disbursed 1,281 works. Provincial PMU regularly urges district technicians to promptly accept the biogas plants and complete the dossiers for the households that have been installed / disposed to disburse to meet the requirements of the project.

Component 2: Biogas Value Chain Credits.

- Coordinate with the credit and financial consultancy of the project to survey and evaluate the implementation of the credit component for the biogas value chain in 02 districts of Bao Thang and Bat Xat.

- Lao Cai PPMU has coordinated with the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, the Social Policy Bank of the province issued many guiding documents for credit officers to propagandize at the grassroots. In addition, the PPMUs and project technicians were directed to households to guide loan procedures. There are 134 households in four districts: Muong Khuong, Bao Thang, Bao Yen and Van Ban borrowed money to build and install biogas tanks, to purchase biogas, to complete the environmental package. Agriculture and Rural Development in Lao Cai. The total current loan amount in the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development is 2.400.000.000Đ.

- Component 3. Transfer of low-carbon agricultural production technology

Sub-component 3.1. Promoting low carbon agricultural applications

- The provincial PMB has coordinated with the Radio and Television Station to make two television broadcasts to propagate the benefits of biogas works in production and life, and to efficiently use waste after biogas as fertilizer. Cultivation and a Q & A weekend discussion on the project support policy, credit policies for participating in the project.

Sub-component 3.2. Building low carbon agriculture models

- Coordinate with the project consultants in the field survey, select 03 pilot models and 4 research themes suitable for Lao Cai province and submit them to the PMU for review and approval.

Component 4: Project Management Expenditure

- Salary and allowance for PPMU

- Operational cost for PPMU


Total: VND1,828,698,662

Including ADB: VND 1,574,944,828, GoV: VND 253,753,834.


3.1. Implementation, coordination

- Continue to coordinate with the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development and the Social Policy Bank to implement the project loan package.

- Coordinate well with the Association: Farmers' Association, Women's Union; Economic / Agriculture Divisions in Districts / Centers, Livestock and Veterinary Stations, Agricultural Extension Stations continue to mobilize members, medium and large scale registered households to register biogas plants.

- The technicians of the project regularly update the registration, construction / installation of biogas plants through the association, supplying companies. Know the quantity, proposal to build / install to check, test acceptance and registration training, support money in time for the people.

- The supply company closely cooperates with the technicians, the association, the agricultural, animal husbandry and animal husbandry and veterinary extension, the district bank branches, speed up the construction and installation. , loans.

3.2. Communication work

- Continue to cooperate with Radio and Television to organize 03 news reports on the radio and 01 television news on the management of animal waste safely on the household scale and farm size. .

- Complete the printing of 3,784 posters on some issues in operation, maintenance of works, biogas equipment and 200 sign points for construction / installation of biogas plants hanging at favorable points , Crowded, easy to see.

- Build 80 message boards summarizing the project information, located at the headquarters of the CPC.

3.3. Support the development of biogas

- Continue to build / install about 400 biogas plants (currently the company, the mason team has contracted to build and install 334 households) and disburse to 378 built / Installation and new construction works.

- Organize 10 training courses on safe waste management, operation and maintenance of biogas plants for farmers who have registered and built biogas plants.

- Planning, conducting inspection of the operation and environmental package items of the constructed / installed works, the minimum inspection number of 5%; Consolidate results reported to the Central PMU.

3.4. Additional and advanced training for technicians, mason, installers

Organized 01 training course to add new technicians, 01 advanced course for technicians in operation and 01 training for builders and install biogas works.

3.5. Study tour for comprehensive management of animal waste

Organizing 02 study tours to study the comprehensive management of animal wastes for PMU staff, technicians and grassroots households in Bac Giang and Phu Tho provinces.

IV. Overall assessment of the results of project implementation

The project has been implemented for half the time, mid-term evaluation is under way. Results of construction and installation of basic biogas cell ensure the progress, reaching 62.07% of the plan for the period 2013-2018. The project has had a great impact, raising awareness and awareness of farmers about environmental protection, improving the quality of life of their families through the use of biogas and fertilizers from water. Discharge of biogas plants. At the same time, it has contributed positively to the movement of building new countryside, especially the implementation of environmental criteria.

Component 2 credit for the biogas value chain has not been implemented much, not much impact on the results of project implementation.

Component 3 of the low carbon agriculture model has not been implemented by the Central PMU not yet agreed with donors on the selection of the model and financial management mechanism.

During the implementation of the project, there are some difficulties and advantages as follows:

4.1. Advantage:

- The project is in close collaboration between the Bank: Agriculture and Rural Development; Social Policy Bank; Farmer Association; Women union; Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Agricultural Extension Center and some economic / agricultural divisions of districts / city.

- Some companies supplying biogas tanks such as Thanh Dat, Hoang Gia, Hung Vuong ... have paid attention and registered to participate in the project in the province, thus helping PPMU Lao Cai can be completed soon. plan.

- Through communication sessions, a large number of people have learned about the benefits of biogas, the way they operate, the efficient use of biogas, the use of biological byproducts. Organic fertilizer for plants such as tea, cassava, vegetables, medicinal plants, fruit trees ...; To grasp the policies, the funding regime of the project ... and propagate the impact on many other people.

- A number of medium and large scale enterprises are raising their awareness on environmental protection and have contacted the PMU for consultancy and guidance on procedures for the construction of biogas plants. Medium and large-scale use of HDPE tarpaulin.

4.2. Difficult:

- Some households in Lao Cai province have demand for construction of medium scale biogas plant (50m3 or more). However, it is difficult to register the qualification records for some construction workers in Lao Cai (because they have not yet met the criteria). So far, the province has not had mason team or enterprises. To register.

- The issue of loan support for livestock households to build biogas plants, at present, some branches of the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development in localities are still slow; Loan regulations require borrowers to obtain a certificate of land use right in order to secure a small loan, which makes it difficult to access the loans.

- Some KTV do not really pay attention and invest time, documents slow finishing, many errors ... leading to slow disbursement. Consultancy for people is still limited, some KTV have not actively coordinated with branches of the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development district, Company supply, resulting in late completion of the loan file, no. Disbursed loans. The supply company has no basis to carry out construction / installation works.

- Some supply / installation companies, construction workers when construction / installation is not informed to technicians down to inspect and supervise the work resulting in the technician does not manage. All of the biogas plants that they are in charge of, which affect the acceptance test.

- Warranty, maintenance, user manual for people of some companies not timely affect the progress of implementation and prestige of the project.

- Some households have installed biogas plants that do not comply with the guidelines on operation of the works leading to inefficient use. Some households do not comply with project regulations such as code engraving, environmental tanks ... which lead to the inability to accept the works, backlog of documents, and disbursement of support money.


5.1. Request the Central PMU

- Coordinate financial institutions (VBARD) to find appropriate solutions to speed up the implementation of Component 2.

- To soon agree on the mechanism for implementation of low-carbon agricultural production models.

Organize additional training courses on database software, using the positioning machine, so that technicians can catch up with software updates. At the same time, early provision of positioning equipment for PPMUs to carry out the plan as scheduled.

5.2. Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, Social Policy

- Provincial Agriculture and Rural Development Bank: Provides vertical guidance, guidance and support to the PPMU and other related parties directly implementing them at the grassroots.

- District bank branch of Agriculture and Rural Development: Guide people for lending procedures, interest rates. Create favorable conditions in terms of time and people (credit appraisers ...) in close coordination with KTV - the company to quickly complete the procedures for people to borrow capital for public construction. Biogas program.

- The Social Policy Bank continues to cooperate to provide loans for clean water and environmental sanitation, and to integrate them to support the people building biogas plants, to achieve the project objectives.

5.3. Farmer Association, Provincial Women's Union

- Statistics of the registration of construction, installation, transfer to the PPMU, company supply for timely implementation.

- District and commune clusters: They are active propagandists who are familiar with the project regulations on tank tunnels, standard builders / suppliers, and benefits of using biogas. Study ... to consult initially for the people. When there are issues affecting the interests of the people and the project (the company on the free market advises people to install poor quality tanks ...), immediately notify the PFA or direct report to the PFA. PPMUs for timely resolution.

- District Farmers' Association creates favorable conditions for technicians to check and accept works. Complete the procedures to disburse.

5.4. Department of Agriculture / Economy of districts / city; Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary; Provincial Extension Center

- Coordinate with the companies to well propagate and mobilize participating farmers. Summing up the demand to send PMU periodically twice a month and unexpectedly when the number of registrations is over 10 biogas works to timely meet the needs of people.

- Pay attention to, direct and urge communes, stations, technicians and staffs in charge of propagandizing to livestock owners registering for construction / installation of biogas plants. Facilitate the technicians to take the test, accelerate the progress of project disbursement, to avoid the record of distrust of people about the policy support of the project.

5.5. Supply / installation companies, project builders:

- Cooperate closely with the bank, KTV in the process of surveying households to register, support people to borrow procedures when the need arises.

- Strengthening human resources for the following tasks: Household survey based on registration from the Association, the Agricultural, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, the team of technicians to install in time, guide package implementation. The environment immediately after the construction, customer care after the sale of reasonable.

- Every Wednesday and every month, reporting data to the PPMU, including the total number and list of household information participating in the project.

5.6. Project technician

- Improve the role of monitoring, monitoring and evaluation of specific activities of the project: (Monitoring list of registration, construction, checking and acceptance of works, quality of tanks, Environmental package, carving code ...). In the course of implementation, if any difficulties arise, they shall be promptly reported in writing to the provincial PMUs for settlement.

- Statistics on registration of construction and installation of biogas plants; Collect, report data on PPMUs on 15th and 30th of each month and make unexpected reports as requested by PPMUs.

Above is the report on the implementation of the project supporting low agricultural agriculture in Lao Cai province.

Appendix 1: Summary table of results of training courses on comprehensive management of animal waste in the second quarter of 2016.


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Appendix 2: Results of construction / installation of biogas plants in the second quarter of 2016

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