1. Component 1: Livestock waste management
Sub-component 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and carbon market development
- Status of training of key extension workers / farmers and other stakeholders on comprehensive management of animal waste:
+ There have been 4 training courses on technology using cattle wastes for raising earthworm for organic fertilizer production in 4 districts (My Tu, My Xuyen, Chau Thanh, Thanh Tri). Through the evaluation questionnaire, there were 103 households, of which 37 women accounted for 35.9% and 46 ethnic minorities accounted for 44.7%.
+ 7 training courses for composting organic fertilizer for agricultural production were organized in 6 districts (My Tu, My Xuyen, Chau Thanh, Soc Trang, Cu Lao Dung, Long Phu, the qualification was satisfactory through the evaluation of the training course, there were 186 participating households, of which 60 women accounted for 32.3% and 77 ethnic minorities accounted for 41.4%).
- The training of farmers on the safe operation of biogas plants and the environment in animal husbandry.
+ Seven training courses have been organized to guide the operation of biogas plants, ensuring environment in animal husbandry, in four districts (Ke Sach, Cu Lao Dung, My Tu and Soc Trang). There are 184 participating households, of which 49 are female, 26.6% female and 62 ethnic minorities account for 33.7%.
Sub-component 1.2. Support the development of biogas works
- Construction of small-scale biogas plants in the first and second quarters: 511 projects (of which 120 are ethnic minorities, accounting for 23.48% and 150 females, accounting for 29.35%), compared with 1.500 for the year 2016. Works, reaching 34.07% of the annual plan (attached appendix).
- Medium and large biogas plants: 02 households registered for large-scale biogas plants, 04 households registered for medium biogas plants.
2. Component 2. (Activities coordinated with the Bank of Agriculture and the Cooperative Bank for the implementation of credit loans)
- The PMU has instructed the localities to coordinate with the financial institutions to implement.
- Branches of Agriculture and Rural Development Bank in districts have implemented credit packages to people.
- The cooperative bank has the policy of the Bank of Cooperatives.
3. Component 3. Transfer of low-carbon agricultural production technology
Sub-component 3.1. Promoting low carbon agricultural applications
Continue sending staff of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Agricultural Extension to attend the training course on low-carbon agricultural production technology organized by the LCASP Central Project Management Unit.
Sub-component 3.2. Building low carbon agriculture models
The PMU has registered 05 low carbon agricultural production models submitted to the CPMU, which has been approved by ADB and is working with the consultant to elaborate the detailed model of the model (attached appendix).
Communication activities of the project: printed leaflets: 10,000 sheets, posters: 3,500 sheets, poster: 3,500 sheets.
4. Component 4: Project Management Expenditure
- Salary and allowances for the PPMUs: 213,784,770 VND
- Operational costs for PPMUs: 64,362,611 VND
5. Disbursement results
A) Total disbursement value of ADB in quarter II: VND 598,123 million.
Cumulative ADB disbursement from the beginning of the project to the reporting period: VND6,771,599 million - reaching 21.48% compared with the overall project plan.
B) Total disbursement value of reciprocal capital in the second quarter: VND 213,784 million.
Accumulated disbursement of counterpart fund of the project to the reporting date: VND1,272,949 million. 37% compared with the overall project plan.
1. Component 1: Livestock waste management.
Sub-component 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and carbon market development.
- Coordinate with the media to carry out propaganda activities on LCASP projects in districts, towns and cities.
- Continue to implement the contract with Radio and Television Station of Soc Trang to broadcast information on the activities of the project.
- Continuing to organize training on guiding biogas plant operation and safe livestock waste management for households who have applied for registration of the project. By the end of 2016, strive to train 29 more classes with 870 trainees.
Sub-component 1.2. Support the development of biogas works
- Inform the district technicians of the list of households who apply for Technical Assistance for the construction of biogas plants for consultants to select and supervise construction techniques and operation guidelines.
- Make plans to inspect and supervise the operation of biogas works to ensure environmental conditions in districts, towns and cities.
- Continue to provide direct financial support to livestock farmers who have completed construction of biogas plants as regulated.
2. Component 2. Activities coordinated with the Bank of Agriculture and the Cooperative Bank in the implementation of credit loans
Coordinate with the Bank to propagate to people who have needs to build biogas works with access to credit. (Seminars, training on the benefits of biogas plant construction, guide people to borrow procedures ...)
3. Component 3. Transfer of low-carbon agricultural production technology
Sub-component 3.1. Promoting low carbon agriculture:
Prepare a plan for a local study tour to exchange experiences on biogas technology, animal waste management and low-carbon agriculture.
Sub-component 3.2. Building low carbon agriculture models
Expected to implement five models demonstrating low-carbon agricultural production technology after being considered and agreed by the Central PMU; The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development agrees to issue a decision approving the content and detailed cost estimates for implementation.
Document distribution, technology transfer low-carbon agricultural production for farmers.
1. Advantages:
- Provincial People's Committee and Department of Agriculture and Rural Development are interested in creating favorable conditions for the project to operate and soon approve the project master plan, annual work plan as well as additional adjustment plan of the project.
- The Central Project Management Board organized professional training courses to improve the capacity of technicians and PPMU staff.
- The project management board has been strengthened and the contingent of technicians has more and more experienced step by step implementing well the plan and organizing the implementation.
- Local authorities are enthusiastic in supporting and facilitating KTV's activities well.
- The provincial project took advantage of the coordination and connection of loans from the social policy bank of some localities to support clean water environment for construction / installation of biogas plants in Thanh Tri district and My Tu district. Tran De ...
2. Difficulties:
- The province has more than 30% of the Khmer ethnic majority, which is poor, so the financial capacity is limited, not involved in construction / installation of biogas plants.
- The prices of livestock products are insecure; most rural people lack capital for production. Therefore, the treatment of the environment they consider is not urgent. Therefore, there is not much attention to environmental treatment.
- The farmer really needs but due to lack of capital investment in construction of biogas works.
- The support of the project accounts for a small proportion of the investment capital of the people.
- Financial institutions are slow to deploy credit packages for biogas value chains or have deployed but forcing borrowers to mortgage their assets so it is difficult to access.
- Information on Decision 50 / QD-TT of the Prime Minister on support policies for livestock development, including supporting the construction of biogas works; Accordingly, the State will support farmers to build biogas technology not more than 5 million VND / 1 CT so people are waiting for the biogas program despite the application; Slow down the progress of the project.
3. Recommendations:
- The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, People's Committee of district, town, city, Department of Natural Resources and Environment are requested to direct the criteria of animal waste treatment in the condition of appraisal of livestock development programs and projects. .
- The Central Project Management Board is urgently promoting the implementation of component 2 so that people do not have enough capital but need to approach and deploy the construction of medium and large scale biogas plants.
Appendix 1: Summary table of results of training courses on comprehensive management of animal waste in the second quarter of 2016.
Nội dung |
Số lượng (cuộc/lớp) |
Số ngày (cuộc/lớp) |
Số người tham gia |
T. Số |
Nữ |
SL |
% |
SL |
% |
HP1. Hoạt động 1.1: Tập huấn đào tạo cán bộ khuyến nông/nông dân chủ chốt: Công nghệ sử dụng chất thải chăn nuôi bò để nuôi trùn quế sản xuất phân hữu cơ và làm thức ăn chăn nuôi |
4 |
2 |
103 |
37 |
35,9% |
46 |
44,7% |
HP1. Hoạt động 1.2: Tập huấn đào tạo cán bộ khuyến nông/nông dân chủ chốt: Công nghệ chế biến ủ phân compost làm phân bón hữu cơ phục vụ sản xuất nông nghiệp |
7 |
2 |
186 |
60 |
32,3% |
77 |
41,4% |
HP1. Hoạt động 2: Tập huấn vận hành công trình khí sinh học, đảm bảo môi trường trong chăn nuôi. |
7 |
1 |
184 |
49 |
26,6% |
62 |
33,7% |
HP1. Hoạt động 8: Tập huấn thợ xây/lắp đặt, kỹ thuật viên |
HP3. Hoạt động 6: Hội thảo xác định nhu cầu xây dựng, lựa chọn mô hình trình diễn và giới thiệu công nghệ đã được nghiên cứu thành công cho nông dân và cán bộ tỉnh. |
Tổng số |
18 |
473 |
146 |
30,9% |
185 |
39,1% |
Phụ lục 2: Kết quả xây dựng/lắp đặt công trình khí sinh học trong 6 tháng đầu năm 2016
Tỉnh/huyện/xã |
Kế hoạch năm 2016 |
Hoạt động 6 tháng đầu năm 2016 |
Số hộ nông dân đã đăng ký xây/lắp CTKSH |
Số CTKSH đã nghiệm thu |
Tổng số |
Đã nhận hỗ trợ |
Tỉnh Sóc Trăng |
1.500 |
511 |
341 |
90 |
1 |
Châu thành |
100 |
38 |
35 |
0 |
2 |
TP.Sóc Trăng |
30 |
15 |
12 |
2 |
3 |
Long Phú |
130 |
21 |
16 |
8 |
4 |
Mỹ Tú |
220 |
54 |
15 |
0 |
5 |
Mỹ xuyên |
130 |
23 |
16 |
0 |
6 |
Ngã năm |
180 |
45 |
28 |
9 |
7 |
Thạnh Trị |
250 |
181 |
117 |
54 |
8 |
Vĩnh châu |
70 |
5 |
5 |
1 |
9 |
Cù lao dung |
80 |
13 |
8 |
6 |
10 |
Kế sách |
180 |
72 |
51 |
0 |
11 |
Trần đề |
130 |
44 |
38 |
10 |