Report on the results of the work of the first quarter and work plan for the second quarter of 2015

: Monday - 12/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1437
Report on the results of the work of the first quarter and work plan for the second quarter of 2015

- Submit to the Provincial People's Committee for approval the adjustment of the overall plan of the Project in accordance with Decision No. 3494 / QĐ-BNN-TC dated 11/8/2014 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
- Continue to complete biogas plant profile in districts and cities.
- Develop an action plan in 2015 for submission to the Central LCASP Project Management Board for comments.
- Submitted to Son La Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for approval of the work plan in 2015.
- Organize a conference to deploy the work plan in 2015.
- Coordinate with agents and technicians of districts to install biogas plants for eligible households.
- Coordinate with the local propaganda about the biogas project and program.
Attend a conference hosted by the CPMU.

- Training technicians in biogas technology, safe husbandry and animal waste management
- Workshop on propaganda and guidance on waste management in animal husbandry and benefits of biogas plant.
- Training on biogas plant operation for biogas user households.
- Inspection, supervision and acceptance of biogas works.
- Check and supervise the work in progress.
- Participate in workshops and training organized by the CPPMU.


1. Advantages
- Son La People's Committee facilitates counterpart funds to carry out activities under the approved plan.
- Receive the guidance, close direction of the owner (leaders of the department) and close coordination between the agencies, departments, especially departments of the Department.

2. Difficult.
- Part-time technicians should have some influence on the implementation at the facilities.
- Officials in the project mainly work part-time.

3. Recommendations
- The central management board of LCASP has detailed guidance on Component 2 on loan procedures for construction of biogas plants.
- Early guidance for Component 3 to build low carbon agriculture models for provincial level LCASP PMUs to develop norms close to reality.

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